Yesterday I went to charlies house we went to the river and walked up about 100 meters with some boogie boards and floated down charlie lost his boogie board and walked through the rapids till finally we got his board back so we went and played on the tramp with the tramp :):):):):):)
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Yesterday after school went to my friend Charlies and we had a water fight with about 33 balloons it was Charlie vs Ruben vs me no one won then after we went inside and played on the phones and I pods then charlies dad came and picked us up when we got to Charlies dads we made a pile of mattresses and did side flips off the couch then we grabbed the computer and started to watch clash royal then my dad came and picked me up and we got MacDonald's then we went home and played on the computer.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
On the weekend I might be going to Pylorus with my best friend Charlie and his brother Ruben we will jump off the massive rocks and do a triple back flip and land on our bellies then we will go get ice creams and then we will get the bogie boards and go down the rapids then I will try with out the bogie boards and it will really hurt because all the rocks will smash my back to pieces then I will make Carlie Ruben and their dad Daniel do It then when it is bed time we will sleep in the van and it will be awesome then when it is time to go home I will sleep all the way.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
In the holidays I went to Christchurch with my mum my brother and my mums friend we stayed there for one night at my mums friends friend she had three dogs and a massive house. on the there we got to go to a 22 million dollar playground it was massive it had 5 slides and one of them was ten meters high. on one of the slides I went down way to fast and I fell off and hit my but on the ground very hard that was the best day ever.
Monday, September 12, 2016
on the weekend charlie came over to my house and we watched a movie called goal witch is about a really good soccer player who gets into a team called newcastle united then we went to bed and in the morning we played on our I pods we played a game called clash royale, clash royale is a game wher you fight other people and get into high arenas then when Charlie left we went to the beach
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Yesterday we had a half day and we scooted home with Celeste and charlie when we got there it was raining big Ruben came home and then Charlies mum came home and then we played on the devices for about ten minutes then Reuben came and we played on the devices and after a while Celeste and Reuben left then we went out side and played a game of dude perfect when you through or kick balls into a recycling bin then I left and I went into nmit to play at the footsul court with joe
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
On Wednesday we did futsal with Ben we ran to the netball courts and we got split up into groups of seven people in my team I had Sokun,Matthew,Jo and some other people it was nill nill for a long time but then Niall scored and it was one nill to them then Ben blew the whistle and I shot and scored so it was sort of a tie then we did some skills and I was with my best friend Charlie first we did stopping then scooping up the ball then we did some futsal turns one you would put it through then you would tap it the other way then we did one when I would spin around and drag the ball in front of myself then spin around again
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
today I am going to charlies house we might go down to school and play with a soccer ball with the people at yikes we might play at the front or at the futsie with them then we might go to the fish stop then we might play on the ipods or the phones then we will go get some lollies if we are allowed then my dad will come and pick me up then we will go get some macas and go to the squash club and watch some tv with my brother
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Yesterday I went to my friend Charlie's house. First we had a bit of a play there and then we went down to school we played footsie with another one of my friends called Thorin then we went to the front field and played some soccer and a game called world cup we played that with Jack,Phelan,Ruben,charlie and I then we made a massive mud ball and splatted it on the mud then we joined all the mud balls together and made the biggest mud ball ever then we went home and my dad picked me up
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
In the holidays I went to rarotonga with my grandma,grandad and my brother. we went to the airport at five o'clock and waited a hour till we could go into the airplane. first we went to Aukland and then we got on a big jetplane and went to rarotonga. when we got there it was three in the afternoon we got our rental car and drove to the place where we were staying. it was soaking wet so we just played on our grandma's phone and we also played alot of cribage.the next day we went snorkelling just over the road that happend for the rest of the time that I was there when we got back to nelson I was so happy to see my dad.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
on monday we went to our last session on water saftey we were using boats and how to be safe when we were in a boat and if the boat had tiped over we would know what we were doing and we learnt that we could stay in the water for two hours and one of the navy seals could stay in the water for therty six hours I thought that was incredible here is my friend pulling me in.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
In four days it is my best friend Charlies birthday.He is going to have it at his house and it will be really fun and all my friends are coming like Max,Reuben,Archie,Austin,Harry,Celeste and me. we might have a Nerf war or tag or man hunt or some other game like that,Charlie will be wearing a dressing gown with a jumper on top with loads of Nerf guns and Nerf bullets it is going to be extremely fun after that we will play spot light I might stay the night and we will play on our phones all night.
It will be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
On Wednesday my class had wacky hair day. My friend charlie brought purple hair hair spray and I brought golden hair spray. We mixed them together and it looked really cool we both drew lightning bolts on our hair. We also took a class photo and our classes hair looked extremely cool. My friend Reuben had some hair chalk and hair spray it looked awesome. We gave some hair spray to some of our other friends like Archie,Austin,Lucio,Lachlan,Ollie. They thought it was really fun. When it was lunch time I went crazy and sprayed it all over my head that was the best part of my day. at lunch time I played footsie, footsie is a game where you have four squares and you kick a ball from one square to another. We also played man hunt it was really fun we played it with Ryan,Ruben,Reuben,Archie,Austin and all my other friends. Charlie and I were in first then my friend Austin was in. It was extremely fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
On monday we walked to riverside pool to do water safety first we got into our togs then we got in the pool I was in the highest group after that we swam to the deep end and got out of the pool and blocked our noses and jumped in then we swam to the side and we had to do a ford flip and a back flip then we swam back to the shalow end and we decided if we wanted to do back stroke or freestyle then we got asked some questions then we got out got changed and went back to school
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
yesterday my class went to the museum and we saw ester we also saw some feet made out of clay. after that we went made clay hand jesters. I made a fist pump. first we got our piece of clay,then we traced our hand on the piece of clay with a skewer. then we pocked it so it would come out then we did the bird dance on the fingers to make them more real then
Sunday, April 10, 2016
yesterday I went to my friend called charlies house and we went to the beach with his dad and his brother. We made a water hole and when we were digging it water kept on coming into the water hole so we made a barrier so the water could not come in. made hole about two meters deep then the water came in and destroyed everything then we had a mud fight it really hurt when it went splat on our back after that we went to Kina and saw a friend of charlies dads friends then we went to mapua and then we went back home.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
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